Nose 2 Tail

health lifestyle nutrition Jun 07, 2022

 All of us have to do the work in some way, shape, or form for our food. Whether that be getting and/or preparing our food, we all have to put in this work to give our future selves the best we can. 

But, it's a damn good feeling- knowing that we give enough shits about our FUTURE selves to give them the best we’ve got every single day.

That builds real-authentic confidence, instead of feeling like we’re always letting ourselves down by eating like shit.  

 We do it today as a gift for tomorrow. 



There was a time when I spent less than 10 dollars per day on my nutrition & still managed to perform as a competitive athlete day in and day out. 


I used to go to this restaurant in DTLA next to a fashion school- Panini-Cafe- notorious for heaping huge breakfast plates. Loaded with greens, eggs, taters- the works. At 10:30am the skinny fashion girls would start pouring in to buy brunch that they...

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Get Better Results with Nutrition | Part 2


This series is about improving the standard of our health and wellness by becoming more mindful of our "inputs."

Part 1 covered the importance of the most essential compound for all of life- H2O. If you missed it, you can read it here. 

Part 2 is all about the NomNoms, let’s dig in.



They say that the key to success in life can be found in our daily routine.

So, if you want to make the largest impact in your life- the key is to start with something really simple that you can do every day.

The topic of food and how to properly nourish our bodies SHOULD be simple by nature... unfortunately it has become needlessly complicated.

 Many people obsess over obscure items while ignoring the most basic standards for eating that actually carry the most massive weight. I'm here to KISS. (No, not like that, this is what I mean- keep it simple stupid)



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